Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Teeth Whitening - Explore The Revolutionary Advanced Dental Techniques Bright, White Teeth.

Advanced dental techniques now provide consumers with exciting, new options for enhancing their smiles. Revolutionary methods are now available for teeth whitening to make smiles sparkle!
Teeth whitening lightens the color of teeth whether darkened from age, coffee, tea or tobacco. The brightening effects of teeth whiteners can last up to five years after the treatment depending on your personal habits, such as smoking or drinking coffee or tea.

Is Tooth Whitening Right for You?

Teeth whitening has a higher than 90% success rate. It is tough on stains but gentle on your teeth! Results vary depending on several factors such as teeth stained from smoking; from taking certain medications such as tetracycline during tooth development; or from fluorosis, a condition occurring in the presence of too much fluoride.
Teeth whitening will not lighten fillings or artificial materials used in dental repair such as crowns, porcelain veneers, etc. Your dentist may discourage treatment if you have sensitive teeth, periodontal disease, and teeth with worn enamel or if you're pregnant or breast-feeding.

Tooth Bleaching - Several Options Available

Some teeth whitening treatments are performed in the dental office using an in-office bleaching system, such as Zoom! In-office Teeth Whitening. This method lightens teeth instantly. The same results may be obtained more economically through dentist-supervised at-home teeth whitening, but take longer to achieve. Some teeth whitening systems, which whiten your teeth while you sleep, work in 10 to 14 days (or more accurately nights)! Others whiten your teeth from two to four hours a day requiring three to six weeks to complete.
It's important to know that certain types of stains respond better to different types of whitening materials. In such cases, your dentist may recommend one tooth whitener method over the other.

Teeth Whitening - The Steps to Bright, White Teeth

  • We will first examine your teeth and gums and discuss the procedure best suited to your individual needs. Any cavities or gum problems must be treated before teeth whitening can begin.
  •  The in-office method generally takes one to three hours and results in an immediate noticeable change in most cases
  • For the at-home method, special molds will be made of your teeth. These will be used to make custom-fitted flexible trays that will hold the whitening gel comfortably in your mouth.
  • When you get your tooth whitening trays, you'll receive instructions about wearing them. These directions must be carefully followed. Only the materials provided by the teeth whitening dentist can be safely used.
  • After completing the treatment, your teeth will be checked by your dental provider to discuss the results.
  • Smile! Your new white teeth will radiate a bright look!


Research over the last five years has proven that teeth whitening is both safe and effective. The American Dental Association's seal of approval has been given to a wide range of teeth whitening products. Generally, the only side effect from treatment may be some sensitivity to hot and cold foods. If this occurs, sensitivity normally disappears within 48 hours
By Dr. Andrew Thompson
TenderCare Dental - Portland, Oregon

Friday, February 18, 2011

Three Reasons Why Good Dental Care Is A Wise Choice

Most of us think that taking care of our teeth is about having a great smile and avoiding the discomfort of a toothache. Having a great smile and avoiding toothaches are valid and important reasons for maintaining a good oral health program, there are three other equally strong reasons to consider.
First, dental health is part of your overall health. Second, choosing good dental care is a wise investment of your time and financial resources.
Finally, your emotional well-being is influenced by how you think and feel about yourself. Your smile is a big part of your self-image. Let's examine each of these areas more thoroughly.

Good Physical Health Equals Good Dental Health

It is easy to forget that your teeth, gums, and mouth are essential parts of your physical body. Periodontal disease, bone and gum loss, and infections all affect the overall picture of your physical health. The ability to chew your food well helps digestion and reduces stress on the gastrointestinal system.
Like any physical system, each part of the body plays a role in the overall health of the system; taking care of your teeth and gums is a part of an intentional plan for physical health. In collaboration with your dentistry team, you can create a dental plan that will contribute to your overall health plan.

A Good Dental Plan is a Wise Investment

There are two important resources that you use and allocate in your everyday life: your time and your money. When it comes to your dental care, they are closely related.
The time you take everyday to invest in your dental health is also an investment in your financial health. When treatment is necessary, dentistry is also an investment in your financial future. Proper treatment today prevents more costly complications and uncomfortable problems tomorrow.
For those who seek to maintain their dental health for life, it is a wise investment to get the most value from the knowledge and skills your dentist and good dental care offers you.

Good Dental Health Equals Emotional Well-Being

How you feel and think about yourself is an important part of your emotional well-being, and a pleasant smile plays a big role in this. In addition, when you take an active role in caring for yourself, it also contributes to your overall sense of competence in managing your life and maintaining a positive lifestyle. The habit of good dental care and regular hygiene examinations reinforces taking positive steps for yourself in other areas of your life.
Smile because good dental care can provide you with innovative and effective ways to create and maintain a pleasant smile that you feel good about. When it comes to feeling good about yourself and your smile, dentistry offers many exciting and effective options.
By Dr. Andrew Thompson
TenderCare Dental - Portland, Oregon